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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fargo Woman Has Questions

I'd like to know if anyone other me is concerned about the idea that Walgreens on the corner of Clark and Rogers has applied for a license to sell liquor.

The reasons I'm concerned are as follows:

1. The close proximity to both Pottawattamie and Touhy Parks
2. It is one block from the new charter school on Clark Street
3. There is already a proliferation of liquor selling establishments in the area
4. Last but certainly not least (in my book, anyway) it is right across the street from an A Safe Haven transitional living apartment building

O.K., O.K. I know. If you call A Safe Haven (or the Alderman's Office) and ask if the apartment building at 7419 - 27 N. Clark is a "transitional living" home for Safe Haven Residents, i.e. ex-drug and/or alcohol abusers, they would say no. BUT A Safe Haven owns the building and the people who live there (at least for the most part) are/were A Safe Haven residents. In the interest of full disclosure, technically an LLC owns the building but that LLC is a for-profit arm of A Safe Haven. I know, because mine was one of the families displaced by this organization when they took over the building five years ago. That said, I’m sure it’s obvious I don’t have a warm place in my heart for that particular 501c3 nevertheless, I still don’t think it’s a good idea to suddenly start selling liquor across the street.

Well, I got that off my chest. So thanks for reading and I’d be interested in knowing what any of you think about this new development at the Clark/Rogers Walgreens. Is it a good idea for them to sell liquor at that location?


P.S. By the way, yes, I do know that that store sold liquor back in the early 90’s but that was before the new school and before A Safe Haven took over the building right across the street.

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